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New Software::LicenseMoreUtils Perl module

July 7, 2018


Debian project has rather strict requirements regarding package license. One of these requirements is to provide a copyright file mentioning the license of the files included in a Debian package.

Debian also recommends to provide this copyright information in a machine readable format that contain the whole text of the license(s) or a summary pointing to a pre-defined location on the file system (see this example).

cme and Config::Model::Dpkg::Copyright helps in this task using Software::License module. But this module lacks the following features to properly support the requirements of Debian packaging:

  • license summary
  • support for clause like “GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version”

Long story short, I’ve written Software::LicenseMoreUtils to provide these missing features. This module is a wrapper around Software::License and has the same API.

Adding license summaries for Debian requires only to update this YAML file.

This modules was written for Debian while keeping other distros in minds. Debian derevatives like Ubuntu or Mind are supported. Adding license summaries for other Linux distribution is straightforward. Please submit a bug or a PR to add support for other distributions.

For more details. please see:


All the best

From → Debian, packaging, Perl

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